Litchfield County Zine Fest

Litchfield County Zine Fest

The zine fest went well. I was in charge of the food and my regular job helped me because I work around food. Olivia and I choose vegan food. Everything was fine except I thought the site’s freezer was a fridge! It looked exactly like one but had lettering at the top saying FREEZER that in my rush to get things inside I did not notice! I did not like the shelves in the real fridge. Also, I forgot to bring sugar for the coffee. So sorry about that!

The event was hot. We thought the air conditioner was working, but it was only three or four ceiling fans. The real air conditioner button was under lock and key in the furnace room downstairs! We would have called the maintenance person earlier if we knew it was not on since the fans were working and looked deceptively on. The next day was cloudy and cold so we were not sure why it was around 89 degrees inside! Magically no one passed out! We are newbies to organizing zine fests and we could have used a few more volunteers to get things rolling. As it was two zinesters from N.J. helped set up extremely heavy tables and we have to thank them for their enthusiasm and muscle. Boy were they pumped!

I made friends with a pirate who lives on a house boat in Vancouver, B.C. My aunt and uncle lived there and I have visited. Vancouver is the home for many cop shows so crime there is perhaps blown out of proportion. I passed out some of my zines towards the end of the fest since I did not have my own table. It is fun trying to match up what people could like. It also taught me I need to finish some of my other zines since I needed them.

Just joined Twitter. This update is also to say hello to people!

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